Marcello Ciaccio
Director and Professor
Biopathology and Medical Biotechnology
University of Palermo
Dr. Marcello Ciaccio is Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Director of Section of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Medicine of the Department of Biopathology and Medical and Biotechnologies at the University of Palermo, Italy. Moreover, he is Director of the Complex Operating Unit of Analysis of Laboratory Medicine-CoreLab of the A.O.U.P. Palermo.
He has been invited to take part in several conferences as moderator and as speaker. He is the Chair of the Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology (SIBioC). He has published over 300 scientific papers and he is reviewer of several scientific journals.
Dr. Marcello Ciaccio’s main interests in research are: role of hormonal receptors in neoplastic disease; metabolism of steroid hormones in neoplastic disease; HPLC techniques; estrogens and their metabolites in rat brain; role of unsatured fat acid in cAMP formation in the retina; tumoral markers; inhibitory action of some aminoacids in the brain; function of vitamin A in the retina; cardiac protection from Radicalic Species of Oxygen damage; antioxidant role of vitamin A; effects of retinoic acid of TAT activity; arguments in the topic of Nutritional Biochemistry. In particular, development of Nutritional protocols in Down Syndrome subjects. Recently the attention has been focused on molecular analysis of genes involved in several pathologies, including neurologic deficiencies, neurodegeneration and cardiovascular diseases.
Biopathology and Medical Biotechnology
University of Palermo