Graduated in Physiotherapy at Centro Universitário Claretiano de Batatais (2011), Master's degree in Sciences on Rehabilitation and Functional Performance Program (2014); Doctorate in Sciences on Rehabilitation and Functional Performance Program in the area of Surface Electromyography, Computerized Cinemetry and Biophotogrammetry at University of São Paulo-FMRP / USP (2014); Member of the Museum of Anatomy Prof. Dr. Edgard Ignácio of FORP / USP; Member of the research group on Electromyography related to the functional pattern analysis of the Stomatognathic System; Coordinator of Collucci Clinic's research group in electromyography, functional evaluations, manual dynamometry, isokinetics and thermography; Professor at UNIFAFIBE University Center – SP, taching of Human Anatomy, Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Ergonomics, Biomechanics, Electrotherapy and Photo thermotherapy; Stage Supervisor in Rheumatology and Geriatric Physiotherapy, Human Physiology, Geriatric and Gerontological Physiotherapy. Main working topics: electromyography , muscle tissue, muscle dysfunctions, mastication, geriatric diseases, muscular diseases, chronic diseases, bite force, macroscopic anatomy, computerized cinemetry, Biophotogrammetry, photopodoscopy, physiotherapeutic, electrical and photothermaltherapeutic resources for treatment of patients.
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Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
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